jingyi here .
haiz . so loooong never come this going-to-die blog .
i forgot totally about this blog till i saw siti's blog ,
where she mentioned that our class blog has gone wrong .
LOL , well so fast , 2 years are already over yeah ?
gonna be in different classes next year , OBS and everything .
haiz , still rmb the days of sec 1 orientation ?
we sat randomly , all too shy to speak to anyone .
we were all so silent and stiff , the atmosphere was so tense -.-
& we also did self intro and so on .
orientation day presentation ,
we had shermin and shi min(in 2e2 currently) ,
to come up with the cheers .
dunno what ice cream pop or whateva ?
some people i forget who , in the dance with the song 'sway' .
then we won some prize right ?
our messy layout of the classroom , we were so noisy ,
that all the sec 2 teachers know that 1e4 is a noisy class .
well , that was in 2007 back then .
2008 , all of us started to work really hard for our studies .
i mean some people , people like me lah((:
then we also sit according to index numbers .
we find mrs TAN really funny during lessons ,
victoria , our tardy queen ,
was basically the one who kena picked on always
teachers like miss su and miss ashikin and miss chiam
always take notice of her .
oops! offend some people liaoz . sorry!
but she's also the one who made us laugh out loud during lessons
we also have our famous natasha and xaerl
for their amazing stamina, winning prizes for our class .
so fast , 2007 and 2008 is over/going to be over .
think all the memories all of us had back then ,
thou we were not- a -very- enthu class .
think of mr. HO and everyone ,
all the geog teachers that are constantly changing ,
e-dyl , wei yuan and emelia who were already out of our class .
& rmb, we have 6 or 7 pairs of people who share the same birthday .
now coming up is jiahui's and mingkit's , 20OCT
6 or 7 pairs is a lot kays ? it's like 14 or 16 alrights ?!
so fazz , got to say sayonara to this class , the sunflower class .
LOL, it will be a challenging year next year , 2009 .
all the intensive revision and so on , HAIZ!
me cannot go home sleep in the afternoon alrdy !! )':
just think of this make me feel so depressed !!!
let's continue to work hard for our future , JIAYOUUUU !!!
-nid ur email .